〈 Episode 545 〉OMAKE #015, Darker Than Darkness
Tadada, tadac.
As always, the young woman was buried in the holograms of magical gear in a dark space. Numerous YouTube videos were floating around her, and she was casually watching whatever interesting videos she stumbled upon, giggling to herself.
[Angel Live: On the hierarchy between Fire Attribute and Wind Attribute.]
[Goddess’ way home interrupted by some middle school perverts?!?!]
[Exposing a Spirit Priest for child molestation.]
The woman frowned as she sipped her carbonated water, catching sight of a strange video title. There was only one priest in this world, so what did it mean that he was a habitual sexual harasser?
“……Should I watch?”
It was impossible not to be drawn in. As soon as she played the video, an annoying advertisement for Yoo Sung’s hero suit popped up. Despite the video supposedly exposing the priest, one of his teammates was advertising Yoo Sung’s hero suit.
“Capitalism wins again.”
The woman muttered curses towards the priest.
“He always bashes Yoo Sung’s stuff…”
Even though he didn’t like Yoo Sung’s products, his willingness to bow down to Yoo Sung’s advertising money was incredibly disappointing to the woman. Ironically, that very advertising money had played a significant role in saving her.
[I use it too. Yoo Sung’s suit.]
On the screen, a blond Western man smiled with a capitalist grin. The woman absentmindedly chewed on the PET bottle cap of her carbonated water before snapping back to reality. She would have skipped the first ad if the priest hadn’t appeared. Just in time, the second ad came on.
The moment the five seconds passed, the woman quickly skipped the ad. Soon, there was someone dressed in formal attire who had deep ties with their team, <Deathdinass>.
– One day at our Pungma TV office, dozens of photos were delivered.
– Watching the video, Kim Gyumin of Pungma TV couldn’t help but be shocked. The content of the video was extremely shocking, provocative, and revealed the ugly side of a well-known hero.
“Wha…t the…?”
The woman nearly choked on her carbonated water. The location in the video was somewhere she knew all too well.
“That place… wasn’t it where we were the other day…?”
-The amusement park frequented by people. These two, walking together like father and daughter, what did they do in a secluded spot?
“……Oh my…”
The woman felt her breath catch.
There stood a blond man wearing a coat even in the heat of summer, leaning against a wall, while a young girl resembling the woman was happily sucking on something under the coat—something obscured by shadows that looked like either a sausage or an ice cream.
The woman’s vision went blurry.
She could still vividly remember the sweet, savory flavor of that custard cheese cream, which she could eat anytime, anywhere, yet the fact that it had been captured on an old film camera at the amusement park became a problem.
“What should I do….”
While fast-forwarding through the video, the woman confirmed everything until the end. Among the dozens of files, the faces were pixelated, but in Korea, in New Seoul, there was only one white-coated man with a missing right arm.
– Damn pedophile, death penalty is the answer.
n Even if that’s true, does the priest deserve execution? Life imprisonment is enough.
n He might just be a short adult, lol. But look at that school uniform? Death penalty.
– Not even America would tolerate this.
n Imported community reactions. Journalists are swarming Oracle Studio here, causing quite a stir.
n This isn’t child molestation; it’s something worse… Ugh, it’s disgusting. Truly disappointing.
– Priest wouldn’t do such a thing. It must be fabrication by Pungma TV and Yoo Sung’s conspiracy.
n Is Raon involved?
The video, registered less than half an hour ago, already surpassed 100,000 views, burning fiercely. The woman also struggled with how to handle the situation, her stomach boiling.
The door opened. The woman hurriedly minimized the video.
“What were you watching?”
A blue-haired youth entered carrying all sorts of snacks the woman loved, placing them on the table. Then, he naturally approached the window and pulled the curtains wide open.
The warm sunlight filled the room, driving away the darkness. The woman summoned a dark barrier with magic power, and the youth chuckled as he approached the bed and pulled her close.
“You need some sun-drying, huh?”
“T-that’s not the point…”
Caught in the youth’s embrace, the woman forgot what she wanted to say. His warm scent made her feel like she was floating on clouds. The youth kissed her cheek and whispered.
“Was it interesting?”
But at the youth’s words, the woman, suddenly brought back to reality, awkwardly laughed while holding onto the youth’s hand wrapped around her waist.
“U-um… us…”
“…Outdoor activities got me flagged.”
The youth, identified as the priest, stiffened.
* * *
“The problematic video has been blocked. Of course, they’ll probably create new videos spreading conspiracy theories, but at least we’ve bought some time.”
Execution Officer Baek Hee-a called the two into the captain’s room and gently informed them that the situation had been mitigated. Both the priest and the woman kept their heads bowed, unable to speak.
“You two.”
“I asked you to disguise yourself, not transform.”
“We’re sorry…”
Ignoring Baek Hee-a’s instructions and warnings, going out and doing ‘that’ resulted in being caught—there was no excuse for the priest.
“You can say Dahakang.”
“For a moment…”
The woman tapped the magical gear and closed her eyes. A holographic image of a woman identical to her appeared, looking prim and proper.
[Hmph! What’s wrong with loving someone? If anyone’s at fault, it’s the paparazzi who took those pictures!]
“That’s right. I’ve already asked Pungma TV to cooperate in identifying the person who took the photos. And I don’t intend to criticize what you two do outside. I’ve known about your late-night activities on the outdoor deck of the ship.”
VR Azidahaka, shortened to Dahakang, turned red and shouted. Despite being a hologram, it expressed emotions more vividly than the real Angg.
[So what if you’re jealous?! I heard you monopolized him yesterday!!]
“That’s not the issue right now.”
Baek Hee-a frowned for the first time. That was a sign of embarrassment, and Dahakang proudly raised her head.
[Then what?! Are you maybe jealous because I spent the whole day with him yesterday?!]
“Why would anyone be jealous over such trivial matters? Your lover is you, isn’t it? However…”
Baek Hee-a’s voice became icy, making the captain’s room feel like an air-conditioned room.
“Why did you choose to do it while transformed into a young girl? Brother practically became a Lolita enthusiast, or bluntly put, a pedophile. You should have worn a black mask instead.”
[B-but even with the mask, I’d still get recognized!! That’s why I transformed!]
Dahakang pointed to Angg’s tear ducts. The tear ducts at a 15-degree angle from the left eye enhanced Angg’s charm and added a sultry allure.
“Yes. You shrank to 140 cm, stole Nuri’s school uniform, and proceeded to do ‘that.'”
Baek Hee-a criticized the damage to the priest’s image. Neither the priest, who willingly tarnished his own reputation, nor Angg, who committed the act, could refute her claims. After all, it was Angg who suggested playing as Kim Nuri.
“So… Hee-a. How did it happen?”
“Don’t try to cover for Brother. I’m not stupid.”
The priest hung his head dejectedly, looking pathetic like a squirrel whose acorn was stolen, but Baek Hee-a shook off her sympathy to save her beloved brother who was increasingly influenced by Angg’s toxic tendencies.
“…Ahem. We need to devise a strategy to clear Brother’s reputation as a pedophile before Pungma releases another video to mislead the public.”
“Angg. There’s nothing else we can do. It’s the final option.”
The priest stroked Angg’s head with a determined expression and announced his plan. Angg was in the same small form as in the scandalous video.
“Summon the reporters. I’ll clarify everything publicly in front of the people.”
“…Brother, are you thinking something strange?”
“Of course not. Don’t worry. I know the magic word that will silence all controversies.”
With unwavering resolve, the priest stood up.
“When this declaration is over, this controversy will definitely subside.”
The priest’s eyes were filled with confidence.
And an hour later.
“I am not a pedophile! My partner just happens to have a small build! The school uniform… I just wanted to experience dating someone in a school uniform once! Sorry for the outdoor sex!”
The priest executed a frontal assault.
* * *
“Big Brother, brain freeze? What the heck are you talking about?”
“I have no idea what you’re saying.”
“Are you not embarrassed talking like that in front of everyone?”
“Exactly. Big Brother finally gave up, huh? Congratulations on becoming the representative of all pedophiles worldwide.”
“…It’s over. You’ve completely ruined it.”
The priest stroked Kim Nuri’s head. Although Nuri complained a lot, seeing Big Brother’s pitiful face made her stop nagging further.
“Take responsibility, Nuri.”
“…I feel weird stepping in, but…”
Nuri pinched Angg’s relatively large chest. Despite shrinking her body size, Angg maintained her original proportions, resulting in her shirt and blouse stretching everywhere.
“You messed up someone else’s marriage prospects, so both of you need to take care of feeding me. Why did you steal someone else’s school uniform? No one else in Seoul High School wears middle school-sized uniforms except me.”
“It wasn’t stealing…we just borrowed it temporarily…”
“Borrowing without permission is stealing. What are you going to do now? I can’t wear school uniforms anymore.”
Nuri glared angrily and twisted Angg’s chest. Thanks to maintaining her original proportions despite shrinking, every piece of clothing from her shirt to her underwear stretched.
“Anyway, Big Brother, this confirms who Angg chooses.”
“Angg’s synchronization. You made things this bad, so you’re not planning to synchronize with me, are you?”
“Th-the person’s consent?”
“Both of us love Big Brother. So it’s settled. You should consider my position too, right?”
Nuri growled menacingly.
“Ever since we met, you’ve been pushing me around like unpaid intern labor. Now you’re suddenly upset because of some random newcomer. And who helped you two connect? Who helps avoid misunderstandings by occasionally letting you pretend-date me so people don’t suspect anything?”
“…Thanks to Kim Nuri.”
The priest and Angg sincerely thanked Nuri. With her face globally exposed, Angg couldn’t go out in public anymore. However, to enjoy dates outdoors, Angg needed to possess someone else’s body.
“To the public, it looks like the priest and Kim Nuri are enjoying dates. But now it’s set in stone.”
Nuri lent her body to Angg. Ultimately, the final choice would be made by the priest, but to increase Angg’s stake in synchronizing with her, Nuri willingly offered her body. To secure the right to synchronize with Angg from competitors.
“Bluntly speaking, if you’re going to deflower two virgins at once, you need to take full responsibility, right?”
“…You let Angg…”
“Who’s going to take my virginity then?”
“…I accept.”
The priest felt as if a noose was tightening around his neck. Already, rumors about Nuri were circulating from Russia onward, but the phenomenon of malicious rumors turning into facts due to the priest and Angg required special measures.
“So, Big Brother, Angg, I’ve been thinking about this. There’s a good method.”
“What is it?”
“Synchronize with me? Then you can play as twin sisters with Angg.”
Angg blushed and giggled awkwardly.
“That’s already been done with Hee-a…”
“Woah, thought she was all prim and proper, but she went all out, huh?”
“Where? In the captain’s room? Can’t be Big Brother’s room.”
[Nuri, let me explain.]
The speaker in the priest’s private quarters buzzed. Since they were aboard the Deathdinass vessel, their conversation was relayed to Captain Baek Hee-a standing by in the command center.
“Nee-san, if you don’t explain properly, I’m really gonna get mad. No matter what you say, I’m going to do what I want. Following Big Brother, I might switch to American citizenship.”
[Nuri, if the only S-Rank Hero with Dark Attribute in Korea leaves the country, this older sister will be in quite a predicament.]
“If things get worse, come here. Where exactly did it happen?”
The quiet Angg dispelled her transformation and raised her hand.
“…In my ‘Domain.'”
“What’s that?”
Angg traced the air with her finger. A fissure appeared in the void, and Nuri tilted her head at the pitch-black darkness beyond. The black magic power gleaming in Nuri’s eyes pierced through the darkness to glimpse what lay beyond.
“A castle?”
“Yes. A castle.”
[Let’s go together…to Angg’s Domain. To the Otherworld, the Black Sanctuary.]
Ultimately, the priest, the Dark Elemental Spirit, and the two candidates for synchronization with the Dark Elemental Spirit faced each other in a four-way meeting within the Elemental Spirit’s alternate dimension—the Black Castle.
* * *
[This isn’t a tiger confrontation, it’s a fierce tiger confrontation, right?]
“…I have nothing to say.”
The priest rested his head on the pillow and breathed deeply. The three black-haired women lay nestled in various positions in the priest’s arms, regulating their breathing. Kim Nuri and Baek Hee-a lay on either side of the priest, using his arms as pillows, while only Angg remained awake, straddling the priest and moving her hips slowly. Despite satisfying both Nuri and Hee-a three times each, the priest’s member remained rock-hard, continuing to ravage Angg’s insides.
[Ah, you really let loose on Nuri and Hee-a, three times each. What if someone gets pregnant?]
“You’re the one who said not to use condoms. It was considerate of me!”
[Th-that was choosing the most efficient method to receive your power! Don’t misunderstand! Absolutely not because I felt guilty receiving inside me!]
Through the hologram, Azidahaka screamed, her face turning red. Similarly flushed, Angg moved her body cautiously so as not to wake the two human women beside her. Despite having serviced the two humans six times, the priest’s rigid member continued to ravage her insides.
[Did you two help me awaken? Well, if I must say… anyway, this is the generosity of the main wife!]
“Your physical body feels good while your hologram says such things, creating a fresh sensation, huh… kuhk…”
Gripped tightly by Angg, the priest winced.
[Hmph, isn’t it great? No shame compared to the two of you, right?]
“Since that’s the case…”
The priest glanced sideways. Thanks to Angg putting the two human women to sleep completely, even with their S-class powers, they couldn’t use their abilities within the spirit’s home ground.
“Have you chosen between the two?”
“…I haven’t.”
Angg stopped her hips and began sobbing, hiccupping and unable to speak. Through the magical device, the holographic personality of Azidahaka conveyed Angg’s intentions.
[They’re both my friends. Choosing one is too cruel. Whether it’s Nuri or Hee-a, if I pick one, how will the other feel? Even if they say it’s okay, surely they’ll be sad. I’ve already taken both of them from you, I can’t take away the chance to live together through synchronization. I’m so sorry…]
Moved by Angg’s sincerity transmitted through Azidahaka, the priest smiled faintly.
“They’d tell you not to make excuses if they heard this when they woke up.”
“Because I chose you as my lover.”
At the priest’s words, Angg dug her nails into the priest’s waist. Though romantic, it contrasted sharply with how enthusiastically he’d rocked his hips with the two women lying beside him.
“But isn’t this something to discuss after deciding on a lover…?”
“Angg, don’t talk nonsense now. Both Nuri and Hee-a have been involved with me for a long time, but when I chose you, I severed ties with all other women. Even with Yuna.”
The priest had relations with almost every woman in the team, indiscriminately. However, after receiving power from Blazing Phoenix and becoming lovers with Maamryong Angg, he ended all those relationships.
“Now that I’ve promised not to be with anyone else, I asked you to allow these two. It wasn’t me asking for permission, but you directly requested it from me. You said you wanted to continue loving these two, who are close friends to you. …If Nuri and Hee-a weren’t so understanding, they’d have flipped out and accused you of trying to dominate, right?”
“…So I’m even more sorry…”
Angg began shedding tears, crying uncontrollably.
“If synchronization could only be done with one person, I wouldn’t have acted like this…!”
Angg poured out her heart. The hologram had disappeared long ago.
“It’s already hard taking you away from them, and if I take away another opportunity, I…!”
“And slap!”
Finally, after Nuri slapped Angg’s back, she nodded through her teary gaze.
“Wow, such dramatic lines.”
“Looks like I have to lecture you.”
The two women lying beside the priest suddenly sat up and pounced on Angg. Trying to rise, Angg was held down by the priest grabbing her hips.
“You’re just as greedy as any spirit. You got Big Brother and now you’re acting like this?”
“I’ll talk separately later… Angg.”
Hee-a hugged Angg. Had she not been currently swallowing the priest’s member, it would have been a touching scene of heartfelt embrace.
“It’s better to synchronize with Nuri based on our powers. You leaned toward that choice, but I understand you hesitated out of consideration for me. But don’t worry. I’m not the type to get upset over something like this.”
“How about this? Let’s make Saturdays Hee-a’s day. Brother needs rest on Sundays, right?”
Angg hesitated to answer immediately. Even though it was her decision to make, she hesitated, worrying about Nuri.
“I’ll sever ties with both of you and steal Big Brother if you don’t decide quickly.”
Finally, after Nuri slapped Angg’s back, she nodded tearfully.
“Tsk. Acting so prim and proper with Azidahaka but falling apart like this. All an act, huh?”
Nuri exchanged a glance with Hee-a. The two women grabbed Angg by the shoulders and pressed down firmly.
“We’ll send you flying. Even if you’re Big Brother’s lover…”
“But we’re all friends, right? This much should be fine, shouldn’t it?”
Tears streaming down her face, Angg vigorously nodded. The priest sat up and gathered all three women into his arms.
“It’s not like Big Brother has anything to apologize for.”
“If you’re truly sorry, you know what to do, right?”
“That’s true.”
The priest kissed Angg and extended his hands toward Nuri and Hee-a. Nuri and Hee-a licked Angg’s ears and shoulders from either side.
“Ahh, haa, Hee-a…!”
Receiving love simultaneously from three humans, Angg overflowed with joy.
“Really…so happy…!”
The timid elemental spirit, who feared hurting others, felt overwhelmed with gratitude and cried loudly, embraced by the three humans who understood and loved her.
* * *
“…In the end, the ultimate winner isn’t Big Brother, right?”
“No, Nuri. Out of 16, we only managed to secure three, so Brother doesn’t win. The ultimate winners are us. At least we get to share intimacy and love with Brother.”
“That’s true. Then, Sister, one day of the week is Brother’s rest day, three days are Angg’s. And the two eating days are for whoever gets synchronized, right?”
In a place where the priest and Angg couldn’t hear, the two black-haired women quietly discussed.